Saturday, September 26, 2015

Tighty-Whitey French Guy

So as my dad said, you tend to run into the same people over and over on the camino, some of whom very quickly become your friends (a.k.a. Camino family). 

There are also those who you run into over and over who you don't like so much.... Like this man from France who has been walking since near Paris. I like to call him "Tighty-whitey French guy". He loves to announce to everyone very loudly that he had already walked over 1000 kilometers before we even STARTED the Camino, and that the French part is much MUCH more beautiful than the Spanish part. We ran into him (again) at the reception desk of a fancy alberge where he was complaining to the owner. We had just arrived and I was exhausted, but he pointed at me and said "YOU! You can help me! Please explain to me what this man is telling me!" 
The owner was explaining in rapid Spanish the different prices. I tried my best to explain what I could understand (which isn't much - my Spanish is pretty rudimentary) and Tighty-whitey French guy ended up walking off in a huff. I later heard him complaining loudly to someone that the alberge owner couldn't speak any English or French and how ridiculous that was. I wonder if it ever occurred to him before he embarked on his trek across Spain to learn a few words or phrases in Spanish...?!?

Oh and I call him "Tighty-whitey French guy" because he often roams around alberges in his tighty-whitey underwear (that grossly doesn't leave much to the imagination). His Camino nickname was sealed when he walked past me on the trail the other morning like this:
Those are his famous tighty-whiteys hanging to dry for everyone to see. SIGH.

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