Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Small bumps but on our way....

We're in the Pearson airport ! Now this is feeling real! I have a pretty bad ear infection (I''m chronically prone to them) and Dad had a cold a few days ago, so please pray for our health and that my eardrums don't explode mid-flight! (Half kidding). I almost had an all-out war with Sunlife trying to get travel insurance, and am still not entirely sure I'm covered despite the fact that my plane to Lisbon takes off in 2 hours.  It seems the folks at Sunlife don't like to email insurance info - snail mail only - but can't wrap their heads around the fact that I'm a Quebec resident temporarily residing in Ontario for work.  It seems like almost everyone wants to know where and when I'm settling down or want to skip over the chapters of my life journey to the final chapter where I'm supposed to have a permanent address. This world is not set up for Nomads - just look at how it's (mis)handling the flow of refugees (Harper, I'm looking at YOU!). I guess bumps along the way are just part of the adventure - that's how I'm choosing  trying to look at it ;)

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