Monday, September 14, 2015

Pain and posts

Hola amigos,
Posts: First, a quick note to say we changed the settings on our blog so everyone should now be able to leave comments - in case you tried in the past and it didn't work. It would be great if you tested it out and left us some comments :) Gracias!

Pain!! My calves and my dad's knee are so sore we are limping around the town we arrived (just outside Pamplona) at like two old fogies. Apparently the first week is always tough until your body gets used to what you're putting it through. Ascents hurt, but descents are pure pain! Until the Camino I haven't regularly been using muscles to help me descend, so suddenly I'm calling on them to perform and they're like "WTF?!?!! NOOO!" Which makes me just lie in my bunk instead of going out exploring the city :( 

1 comment:

  1. Hailey, sounds like each day will be its own adventure and bring something new... Quite a workout for body. mind and spirit! In the face of challenges, we may find some deep down strength and energy to keep going... Sending love and prayers, to you and your dad. May you keep walking, and writing! *Blessings* (love from your friend Sylvia)
