Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Limping Along

The Camino is brutal as usual but we are having some great conversations.

I never had knee problems, but now like a lot of peregrinos (pilgrims) I am wearing a knee brace. Walking sharply downhill for 4 kms on jagged slippery rocks did it to me. Hailey's calves hurt constantly from walking 20 kms per day so far.

But this is just our bodies adapting to the Camino. Theoretically, the second week will be easier. Either that or I will need a walker!

Doing this on not enough sleep makes it even more challenging. But as soon as you take your earplugs out, the snoring and farting orchestra begins from the other 20 pilgrims sleeping in the same room.

On the positive side, I feel like we have been lead by God on many occasions, so please keep the prayers, thoughts, and energy coming. We need them and send you ours! Here are some pics from today:


  1. Hello Hailey and Bruce. I have been following every post, thank you for taking the time and energy to share! I am sending energy to help you on your adventure, look for it in the scenery, the comraderie, and the local cuisine. What you're doing is so cool. ~ Marshall :)

  2. Hi Marshall, we have felt your energy in the beautiful people and scenery here. Thank you! What are you drawing these days?
