Monday, September 14, 2015

Run over by bulls

We are now in Pamplona where they run the Bulls . We both feel like we have been run over by bulls. 21 km yesterday and 16 today. The Camino is starting to wear us down. Very sore.  

Hailey on one of many steep climbs, and me in my dreams: Bruce, the Ironman of the Camino!


  1. Oh my gosh Hailey!! That lovely photogenic rolling hill seems to be smirking innocently at you while you suffer.... jejeje. so, you must tell yourself " Quien dijo miedo!" which means roughly ' who says I am afraid!'... ONE DAY AT A TIME! and thank you for the lovely pictures... this is how you pass on the travelling bug :D (keep your bed bugs to yourself). XOXO

  2. Go, Bruce ! Go, Hailey !
    You're in my thoughts and prayers.
    Ron Pickersgill

  3. That sounds hard! Try stretching your calf muscles if you haven't already and maybe Dad could massage them a bit
