Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The End and the Beginning

Leon Spain is the end of the Camino for me as Grace and I walked Leon to Santiago last year. But Hailey is starting a  whole new trip - to stay with friends in Madrid and eastern Spain. We have had hard times - here is Hailey unable to walk another step in the driving wind and rain on the cobblestone Roman road to Manzanilla:
And we have had good times - here we are in Leon drinking beer and coffee near the great Cathedral of Leon:
It has been a great adventure with my amazing daughter Hailey, but now it's over and I can't wait to get back to Canada, London, my home, my wife, and  "normal" life, whatever that is!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hailey and Bruce! All the best to you, Bruce, hope you're home in time for Thanksgiving. Hailey, will you still blog? Have fun, be safe! ~Marshall.
